Individual Counselling

There are many personal challenges we have in life. As an individual we can struggle with thoughts and feelings within us or thoughts and feelings that are responses to circumstances and relationships around us. There are many times we are overwhelmed by life. This does not mean we are damaged or broken – it just means we have human limitations.

We were never intended to do life alone. Just as the saying goes, “it takes a community to raise a child,” it also takes a community for all of us to survive and thrive in life. Reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness or failure – it is a sign of strength and wisdom. There is a proverb that says, “In the counsel of many there is safety.”

While I am a trained professional and do bring a tool chest of ideas and helps to the counselling experience, I prefer to see myself as a mentor or elder that helps you know yourself and others better. It is my desire to partner with you as we journey for awhile together.

Some of the common issues that people struggle with are: despair, depression, sadness, sorrow, fear, anxiety, anger, resentment, grief, loss, frustration, confusion, powerlessness, inadequacy, low self-esteem and insecurity. We all experience these emotions but sometimes we get stuck in them and need a “leg-up” to help us work through them.

It is not my intention as a counsellor to keep you coming forever, but to help you help yourself so that you feel stronger and more confident after our time together.

First session: In our first session I will need some basic information about you and try to get a sense of you, your meaningful relationships, the structure of your life and what challenges you are facing. I try to clarify in my own mind what is your goal for counselling and what specifically you are wanting help with.

Subsequent sessions: As we work through your challenges, I try to make each session meaningful by giving you some kind of “homework” – things to think on, work on, or consider. Individuals who do the homework do benefit much quicker from the counselling sessions, however, the choice is yours. 🙂 I also make suggestions that may or may not help you – it is important that you feel free to challenge me and what I say if you disagree or feel confused, pressured or distressed in any way. I cannot know what you are thinking – and I am not threatened if you disagree. My goal is to prioritize you, not my feelings or needs!

Number of sessions: This is an impossible question to answer. Some challenges are new to you and have no history – others have long-standing patterns. Some challenges are upsetting but others are traumatic. You are an individual so I cannot predict how many sessions you will need. As a goal-oriented person, it is important that we have a sense of movement and growth as a result of the sessions – I will ask you if you feel you are improving. If after a few sessions you are not satisfied with the growth, I may refer you to others who may be a better fit for you. 🙂 Sometimes we are not ready for change, sometimes you and I are just not a good fit…. it is not failure to admit this and move on.

If you have any questions regarding the process of counselling, I am happy to answer any you have. Just use the contact form to the left to email me.

Friends or family: If you have a friend of family member that needs counselling, it is important they are ready for it and wanting it as well. I do not contact people – I wait for them to contact me. If you wish to bring someone, be sure they are committed to being there and are aware of the costs in advance so should they connect with me they have the means to be able to continue.


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