
Lessons on Communication from the Sandbox

Imagine two children, Sally and Samuel playing in their own respective sandboxes. They went to sandbox Camp because they are friends and they thought it

What to Do When You Don’t Measure Up

Human beings are social creatures who have an innate desire to connect with others. Whether introverted or extroverted, there will always be someone, in fact

When Boundaries Go Wrong

There is a lot of talk about “boundaries” now adays. It has become a well-used term particularly when dealing with people who have a negative

Comfort in Covid

The most powerful emotion during any cultural shift is anxiety, and the loudest voices are almost always negative. Perhaps it’s the human condition to voice our complaints or perhaps

Helping Teens with Depression

Currently, due to Covid, the incidences of depression among teens are exceptionally high. This is because the teen years are the identity years – of

When to hurt your kids

In a world where feelings are of utmost value compassionate parents struggle with managing their children 8217 s behavior

The Value of a Hard Life

I was reading a book today and ran across a paragraph that so inspired me I stopped to write this blog. You see, over and

When Family Conflict Escalates

As human beings we all want to belong somewhere. Typically we find those needs met in our families. Our need to belong, being as huge

In Praise of Men

Since I began counselling full time almost 10 years ago I have had the honour of meeting and engaging with many men. Some weeks I


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