
The Pull for Approval

As humans, wanting approval is part of us. When we feel approved of, we feel secure and connected in the relationships we are in. And


Do you remember the song sung by Aretha Franklin, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T?” Sung by a women, but written by a man, it appeals to us all. Everyone

Why Resentment is a Good Emotion

Every human emotion we have has been given to us for a good purpose. Hate, for example, is good when the focus of our hate

We all need a little comfort

Recently I have come to realize that we all need a little comfort. In fact, we need it in regular intervals.  It is the reason

What’s wrong with Living Together?

Dr. Scott Stanley and his team at the University of Denver did research to determine what the young are thinking about marriage. What they found is that

A Simple Improvement for Better Communication

Sometimes the obvious escapes us – especially in long-standing relationships.  Bad habits quickly overtake us and we leave behind the simple things that helped us

Communication 101 – Part III – Stonewalling

John Gottman discovered that a third component that contributes towards marital breakdown in communication is “stonewalling.” According to wikipedia, stonewalling is simply whatever you do

Communication 101 – Part II – Defensiveness

According to John Gottman, relationship coach and researcher, defensiveness is the number two most common problem in communication breakdown! It always escalates the conflict. Why


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